Some things I learn living on my own
Make time to untangle your thoughts. Make time to recognize unhealthy thought patterns you have.
It is human to feel many emotions throughout your day. Happy, sad, cringe, joy, excited, and so on. Don’t deny feeling sad. Don’t hide you are feeling lonely. To think you need to always be happy and good is a lie.
Live a life true to yourself. Know what makes you happy and what is not fun for you. You can decide everything for yourself now.
When you are feeling sad or depressed, and its just you alone, I want you to know I feel them too. It’s rough, yep. Your friends are probably feeling them too. Instagram makes us all think everyone else is living perfect lives.
Thoughts are thoughts. If you find yourself being negative again, it’s time to kick yourself out of that thought train.
Always budget monthly. Put money into high yield savings account. Start your retirement account and invest. Dedicate money for fun and your happiness.
Cherish what you have. You are about to move out soon. If you live with your parents, it will become rarer that you see them as often as you once did. You are beginning your own life.
Take care of yourself, really really well. Because your mental wellbeing is everything. You might not cook any meal and rather go hungry because you can’t get out of bed. (Buy some instant frozen food to have for these occasions)
You can ignore the fear of missing out!
In All Seriousness
Maybe I was a little too serious above, lol. I had a fantastic time living on my own since January 2024. I think I grown more appreciative of my friends and others. I’m more attentive to the way I make others feel. I’m more at peace with my current state in life. No one to compare to. No one to compete.
If you are moving out, I congratulate you! And if it’s not time yet, that’s okay too.